He was born in May 6 on 1985. Now on 2015 he is 30 years old. He began his profession for the basketball player as he is a youthful boy. He's an American basketball athlete that has won numerous awards, esteemed medals and many more. He was born in Winston - Salem, northern Carolina. He runs as the point guard placement for New Orleans Hornets. Chris Paul bodily not truly high, he is just about 1,83 meters. Unlike the typical National basketball association players who are reach the 2 meters above for that height however with that physique, he is still a great basketball athlete having great record.
His achievement information as basketball athlete show that he's such a fantastic person. Their records are he broke a esteemed record of NBA that was given by Alvin Robertson. That is the record of receiving a steal on A hundred and five leagues continuously that Robertson makes through the November 1985 the season when he born and December 1986. That record be shattered with Paul on December Nineteen on 2008. Chris Paul shows his skill and skill nicely in playing basketball thus he have that record. That is only an example of success which Paul got, it is possible to many.
Splendid Chris Paul Expert NBA Player